Our services

At Tobili, we don't just do accounting. We accompany companies and their managers towards excellence through the art of administration and consulting. We also offer complete support services in line with our values and commitments.

What you can expect working with us :

Accounting and management

  • Bookkepping
  • Update of late accounting
  • Analytic accounting
  • Review and compliance to french GAAP
  • Financial report
  • Setting up dashboards
  • Management control
  • Business plan, budget and forecast
  • Profitability analysis
  • Implementation and benchmark comparison
  • Intermediate situation


  • Preparation of tax returns
  • Assistance with tax audits
  • VAT study on international trade
  • VAT Training
  • Transfer pricing policy development
  • Accounting entry file compliance
  • Tax credit
  • Personal taxation


  • Payslips production
  • Social declaration
  • Employment contract
  • Expenses management
  • Health insurance contract management
  • Social reporting, payroll analysis
  • Search for fundings on employment
  • Recruitment assistance
  • Social audit assistance
  • HR administrative assistance


  • Council in the legal
  • Company legal creation
  • Company modification
  • Annual shareholders meeting
  • Dissolution / Liquidation
  • Equity modification


  • Audit légal
  • Contractual audit
  • Valuation of companies
  • Commissariat aux apports
  • Commissariat à la transformation


  • Office management
  • Supplier invoice collection
  • Payment schedule management
  • Supplier paiement automation
  • Unpaid receivable followup
  • Customer reminders
  • Help with cash flow monitoring
  • Mail management and archiving

Responsibility and sustainability

  • Assistance in social responsibility campaign
  • Accompaniment in the choice of its partners
  • Implementation of profit-sharing
  • Introduction to economic frugality
  • Advice and support on the quality of life at work
  • Tools for monitoring responsible approaches

The tools

  • Digital accountingMise à disposition de logiciel comptable
  • Invoicing software
  • Assistance in the implementation of software