Understanding Tax Representation for Entities Not Established in France


Navigating the world of tax representation can be a daunting task, especially for entities not established in France. This guide aims to simplify this process. We'll delve into the crucial aspects of tax representation, particularly for those outside the European Union (EU).

Part 1: Unraveling the Scope of Tax Representation

Tax representation plays a pivotal role for entities not based in France. If you're an entity outside the EU, and you're liable for Value Added Tax (VAT) or need to fulfill declarative obligations, you must accredit a tax representative. This representative, established in France, commits to fulfilling your formalities. In the case of taxable operations, they will pay the tax on your behalf.

The scope of tax representation is vast. It encompasses taxable entities and those who must fulfill declarative obligations. If you're a non-EU entity carrying out operations within the scope of VAT in France without being established there, you must designate a tax representative. However, there are exceptions. For instance, entities established in a non-EU state with a legal instrument relating to mutual assistance similar to Council Directive 2010/24/EU of 16 March 2010 are exempt from designating a tax representative.

Part 2: Delving into the Common Law Regime of Tax Representation

The common law regime of tax representation is a key aspect to understand. It includes the designation of the tax representative, the accreditation process, and the obligations of the tax representative.

Designating a tax representative is a crucial step. If you're an entity not established in France, you must choose a tax representative. Certain conditions must be met for the designation to be valid. If these conditions are not met, it could lead to the non-designation of the representative.

Once the tax representative is designated, they must be accredited. The accreditation is granted if certain conditions are met. However, the accreditation can be withdrawn if the representative does not fulfill their obligations or if the conditions for the accreditation are no longer met.

Part 3: Understanding the Obligations of the Tax Representative

The obligations of the tax representative are numerous and important. They include accounting obligations such as issuing invoices and keeping accounts. The tax representative is also responsible for fulfilling the formalities incumbent on the entity they represent and, in the case of taxable operations, paying the tax on their behalf.


In conclusion, tax representation is a complex but essential aspect for entities not established in France, especially those outside the EU. It is crucial for these entities to understand the scope of tax representation, the common law regime of tax representation, and the obligations of the tax representative.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information or for a complete care.

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